Each month, at no extra cost, you will receive a five-page summary of your telecommunications services. All F I B E R N E T Services, including Equal Access Service, SPECTRUM Dedicated T-1 Service, Toll Free Service, Digital Data Services, Wireless Pacific Bell Digital PCS and Paging services are all combined on one easy to read monthly management report.
The report consists of:
1. Cover letter
with news about your account, FIBERNET's services,
and the telecommunications industry.
2. Current Month Traffic Distribution Graph
Makes it easy to see your calling patterns.
Your calling pattern for the current month
is summarized on one page with a clear bar-graph.
In addition, a table shows the percentage
of calls to each destination region.
3. Twelve Month Summary and Graph for Cost, Minutes, and Number of Calls
This unique report, available only from
F I B E R N E T, shows you your telecommunications costs and activity
for an entire year at a glance, from the current month back one year. Costs
are summarized for outgoing calls, incoming 800 calls, F I B E R N E
T Travel card usage as well as
F I B E R N E T Wireless PCS and
paging service. In addition, recurring monthly charges, if any, are shown,
as well as taxes and late charges, if any. Payments credited to your account
each month are also shown, as well as any credits issued.
At a glance, all of your F I B E R N E T telecommunications expenditures are shown for the entire year.
If you have more than one location billed
on your F I B E R N E T account,
you also receive a Corporate
This report lists a summary of all charges,
minutes and number of calls for all your locations, sorted in the order
you desire. You can sort the locations alphabetically by name,
by city or by your own location number, for exampl.e
Other standard reports included with your monthly call detail are reports of:
Paperless Billing - Call Records on Diskette
At no additional cost, we will provide
your bill on diskette.
Your summary pages and reports will still
be printed on paper for easy reference.
The benefits for you are the ability to
search though the bill quickly, import call detail into Lotus, Excel or
any database program, and create your own custom reports.
Paperless Billing is also good for the